10 reasons to use webcams to explore Europe
If you are already in Europe traveling around or if you are still in the process of planning a trip to the continent, then you might want to check into the growing trend of live 24/7 webcams that are offered online. Some of these feeds come from business CCTV Cameras – others are run by the government – yet others are from people DIY-ing their own outdoor wifi cameras. Wherever the view comes from, there are live feeds available in every corner of Europe. In fact, there are some companies devoted to connecting world wide webcams to the world wide web. These live webcam hubs are often overlooked for their extremely practical uses. Most travelers aren’t aware of all the great benefits offered to anyone following these feeds.
Following is our top-ten list of benefits to using live webcams while you travel.
Staying on Top of The Weather
One of the primary benefits to using online webcams in Europe while traveling is it allows you to stay on top of the weather. Often times a simplistic weather forecast only tells a partial story of actual conditions on the ground.
Gauge Foot Traffic in The Area
If you will only be passing through a European hot spot briefly and might be short on time, then check out a webcam in the area first to gauge how congested the area is with foot traffic. Wondering if the storytelling festival at Alden Biesen Castle is insanely busy? Check out its webcam. This allows you to bypass areas or events altogether if you are rushed or do not have enough time for slow moving or congested areas.
See if You Like The Place First
Webcams such as HD city-cams can really give you a close look at a prospective travel destination before you add it to your itinerary. Be sure to check out many webcams, as some areas might look more attractive to travel to than others. Postcards and other promotional materials only show a partial look at a travel hot spot.
Observe Basic Infrastructure
If you plan to drive into a European town or city that is viewable online by webcam, then this gives you the ability to see what the local road conditions are like before you try to drive your car there.
Check Out The Nightlife Vibe
With most European webcams operating 24/7, this gives you a chance to get a feel for the nightlife vibe in a place that you are possibly considering visiting. If the nightlife vibe looks safe and inviting then it might be a great place to visit.
Get a Feel For Local Attire
Let’s face it, the locals of any given travel spot are going to know the appropriate way to dress there. It’s never fun to be the obviously unfashionable tourist. Besides fashion, attire can go hand in hand with weather. Humidity can make it difficult to properly anticipate temperature. If it is a dry 8 degrees Celsius in Reykjavic, you may see people wearing lighter jackets on its live feeds. Add humidity to that cool temperature and the bigger coats will start to come out. Webcams give you the ability to view what local attire is like in order to make sure that you dress appropriately when visiting the area.
Prevent Yourself From Getting Lost
Many European webcams offer panoramic views of the local area. This gives you a chance to orient yourself with the layout of the area so that you can better navigate through it without losing your sense of direction. You can start from a site that organizes cameras by city (like this one) and try learning the landmarks from the street view.
Spotting Local Landmarks Early
Webcams are often pointed at a travel spot’s most noteworthy areas. This gives you the chance to spot any noteworthy tourist attractions before actually arriving and being forced to wander around looking for them.
Try and Spot Useful Services or Businesses –
Using a European webcam online can be a great way to locate a prospective business or local service that you intend to use once you reach a particular travel destination. With webcams being everywhere these days, spotting a business before you arrive is quite easy.
Stay in Touch With Cultural Norms
Webcams are a great way to observe local cultural practices and norms within an area before you visit it. This allows you to arrive on site with a bit more knowledge about local customs than you would otherwise have.
This article was written by: Kevin Devoto, an avid outdoor enthusiast and freelance writer. He enjoys writing about sustainability, eco friendly behaviors and local travel.