How to discover and visit the hidden treasures of the French heritage?
« What a shame that this isn’t open to the public, I would’ve loved to visit it! ». How many times have you made this reflection, seeing, at the turn of a walk, an amazing monument, a charming garden or a castle alike the one of the Sleeping Beauty?
Today, many treasures of the heritage don’t hide anymore, on the contrary, they open their doors and announce you precisely when to visit. You can even book tickets online thanks to Patrivia.net!
Patrivia.net is a collaborative online platform that centralizes and propose the visit of many different public and private sites, which are mostly unknown. The site navigation is intuitive and enables to get your bearings; you indicate which region interests you, you visualize the sites you can visit around this region, and you make your choice; you just have to book, buy your tickets if you wish so, and get on the spot on the day.

An innovative idea: Patrivia.net has been created in 2016 on the initiative of two young entrepreneurs in love with the French heritage. They created this innovative platform with a double objective: allow travelers and French or international tourists to discover regional heritage, and offer to the landlords and managers of these amazing unknown places, a display and an online ticketing tool to enhance their sites.

A precious tool for the HomeCampers: Whether you are travelling with a van, a camper, a car or on a bike, we know how much you like to discover the richness of a country’s heritage when you’re on your getaways. You will appreciate Patrivia.net, that gives you the keys to so many unknown places having hidden historical or cultural treasures. You will have the privilege to make a journey in history mixing unusual, exploration and adventure. The HomeCamper spirit, in short!
To discover the treasures of the French heritage, visit Patrivia.net
We’d love to hear about your trips near regional treasures, share them with the hashtag #HomeCamper. If you’d like to contribute to the blog, get in touch because we’d love to feature your holiday review!